Sir Colin Davis Anthology album cover

Sir Colin Davis Anthology

Regular price £30.00

This limited edition box set is a unique collection of 13-discs is the 100th release on LSO Live. The collection pays tribute to not only Sir Colin’s work with LSO Live, but more specifically his relationship with the London Symphony Orchestra through the decades, until his death in April 2013.

The collection features previously unreleased material from the LSO Live archive, including two much loved recordings on high-resolution SACD Hybrid for the first time - Dvorak Symphony No 9 and Berlioz Symphonie fantastique. Never before seen private correspondence and photos from Sir Colin’s archives accompany the discs.

The anthology is completed with a bonus DVD documentary by Reiner Moritz. This portrait includes his last public statements, and contributions from Sir David Attenborough, Sir Simon Rattle and Roger Wright. The documentary highlights his work in masterclasses, opera, concerts and to-camera talk which reveals the man behind the musician.

Composers Berlioz, Dvorak, Elgar, Sibelius, Tippett, Vaughan Williams, Walton
Conductor Sir Colin Davis
Performers Choir of Eltham College, London Symphony Chorus, London Symphony Orchestra
Soloists Colin Lee, Indra Thomas, Mihoko Fujimura, Steve Davislim, Matthew Rose, Peter Coleman-Wright, Ben Heppner, Michelle DeYoung, Petra Lang, Orlin Anastassov, Bülent Bezdüz, Isabelle Cals, Roderick Earle, Alan Ewing, Andrew Greenan, Tigran Martirossian, Peter Mattei, Leigh Melrose, Stephen Milling, Sara Mingardo, Toby Spence, Mark Stone, Kenneth Tarver, Guang Yang

Disc 1
Berlioz: Symphonie fantastique

1. I. Rêveries – Passions
2. II. Un bal
3. III. Scène aux champs
4. IV. Marche au supplice
5. V. Songe d’une nuit de sabbat

6. Berlioz: Béatrice et Bénédict: Overture

Disc 2
1. Berlioz: Les francs-juges: Overture

Berlioz: Te Deum
2. I. Te Deum (Hymne)
3. II. Tibi omnes (Hymne)
4. III. Dignare (Prière)
5. IV. Christe, Rex gloriae (Hymne)
6. V. Te ergo quaesumus (Prière)
7. VI. Judex crederis (Hymne et prière)

Disc 3 (DVD)
Colin Davis - The Man and his Music (a documentary by Reiner Moritz. Includes subtitles in French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Japanese).

Disc 4
Dvořák: Symphony No 9 in E Minor, 'From the New World'

1.I. Adagio - Allegro molto
2. II. Largo
3. III. Scherzo – Molto vivace
4. IV. Allegro con fuoco

Disc 5
1. Sibelius: Pohjola's Daughter

Sibelius: Symphony No. 2 in D major
2. I. Allegretto
3. II. Tempo Andante, ma rubato
4. III. Vivacissimo
5. IV. Finale: Allegro moderato

Disc 6
1. Sibelius: The Oceanides

Vaughan Williams: Symphony No. 4 in F minor
2. I. Allegro
3. II. Andante moderato
4. III. Scherzo: Allegro molto
5. IV. Finale con epilogo fugato: Allegro molto

Disc 7
Elgar: Variations on an Original Theme, 'Enigma'

1. I. Theme
2. II. CAE
4. IV. RBT
5. V. WMB
6. VI. RPA
7. VII. Ysobel
8. VIII. Troyte
9. IX. WN
10. X. Nimrod
11. XI. Dorabella
12. XII. GRS
13.  XIII. BGN
14. XIV. (***)
15. XV. EDU
16. Elgar: Introduction and Allegro for Strings

Disc 8
Tippett: A Child of Our Time

1. No 1. The World Turns On Its Dark Side
2. No 2. The Argument: Man Has Measured the Heavens
3. Interludium
4. No 3. Scene: Is Evil Then Good?
5. No 4. Now In Each Nation
6. No 5. Chorus of the Oppressed: When Shall the Userers’ City Cease
7. No 6. I Have No Money for My Bread
8. No 7. How Can I Cherish My Man In Such Days
9. No 8. A Spiritual: Steal Away
10. No 9. A Star Rises In Mid-winter
11. No 10. And a Time Came
12. No 11. Chorus of Persecutors and Persecuted: Away With Them!
13. No 12. Where They Could, They Fled
14. No 13. Chorus of the Self-righteous: We Cannot Have Them In Our Empire
15. No 14. And the Boy’s Mother Wrote a Letter
16. No 15. Scene: O My Son!
17. No 16. A Spiritual: Nobody Knows the Trouble I See, Lord
18. No 17. Scene: The Boy Becomes Desperate In His Agony
19. No 18. They Took a Terrible Vengeance
20. No 19. The Terror: Burn Down Their Houses!
21. No 20. Men Were Ashamed of What Was Done
22. No 21. A Spiritual of Anger: Go Down, Moses
23. No 22. The Boy Sings In His Prison: My Dreams Are All Shattered
24. No 23. What Have I Done to You, My Son?
25. No 24. The Dark Forces Rise Like a Flood
26. No 25. A Spiritual: O, By and By
27. No 26. The Cold Deepens
28. No 27. The Soul of Man
29. No 28. Scene: The Words of Wisdom Are These
30. Praeludium
31. No 29. General Ensemble: I Would Know My Shadow and My Light
32. No 30. A Spiritual: Deep River

Disc 9
Walton: Belshazzar's Feast
1. I. “Thus spake Isaiah”
2. II. A tempo – “If I forget thee”
3. III. “By the waters of Babylon”
4. IV. “Babylon was a great city”
5. V. “Praise ye the God of Gold!”
6. VI. Allegro molto – “Thus in Babylon”
7. VII. “Thou, O King, art King of Kings”
8. VIII. “And in that same hour”
9.  IX. “The trumpeters and pipers”
10.  X. Allegro – “Then sing aloud to God our strength”

Walton: Symphony No. 1 in B flat Minor
11. I. Allegro assai
12. II. Scherzo: Presto, con malizia
13. III. Andante con malincolia
14. IV. Maestoso – Brioso ed ardentemente – Vivacissimo – Maestoso

Disc 10
Berlioz: Les Troyens
1. Act I, No 1 - "Ha, Ha! Après dix ans"
2. Act I, No 2 - "Les Grecs ont disparu"
3. Act I, No 2 - "Malheureux roi!"
4. Act I, No 3a - "C'est lui!"
5. Act I, No 3b - "Reviens à toi... Pauvre âme... Si tu m'aimes... Mais le ciel et la terre... Quitte-nous dès"
6. Act I, No 4 - "Dieux protecteurs de la ville éternelle"
7. Act I, No 5 - Combat de ceste - pas de lutteurs
8. Act I, No 6 - Pantomime
9. Act I, No 7 - "Du peuple et des soldats"
10. Act I, No 8 - "Châtiment effroyable!"
11. Act I, No 9 - "Que la déesse... À cet objet sacre"
12. Act I, No 10 - "Non, je ne verrai pas la déplorable fête"
13. Act I, No 11 - "De mes sens éperdus (Marche Troyenne)"

Disc 11
1. Act II, No 12a - Scéne et récitatif: introduction
2. Act II, No 12b - Scéne et récitatif: introduction
3. Act II, No 12 - "O lumière de Troie... Ah! Fuis, fils de Vènus"
4. Act II, No 13 - "Quelle espérance... Le salut des Vaincus..."
5. Act II, No 14 - "Ha, puissante Cybèle"
6. Act II, No 15 - "Tous ne périront pas... Oh digne soeur d'Hector"
7. Act II, No 16 - "Complices de sa gloire... Le tresor!"
8. Act III, No 17 - "De Carthage les cieux"
9. Act III, No 18 - Chant national "Gloire à Didon"
10. Act III, No 19a - "Nous avons vu finir sept ans à peine"
11. Act III, No 19b - "Chers tyriens"
12. Act III, No 20 - Entrée des constructeurs
13. Act III, No 21 - Entrée des matelots
14. Act III, No 22 - Entrée des laboureurs
15. Act III, No 23 - "Peuple! Tous les honneurs"
16. Berlioz: Les Troyens: Act III, No 24 - "Les chants joyeux"
17. Act III, No 25a - "Echappés à grand peine"
18. Act III, No 25b - "Errante sur les mers"
19. Act III, No 26 - "J'éprouve une soudaine et vive impatience"
20. Act III, No 27 - "Auguste reine, un peuple errant et malheureux"
21. Act III, No 28 - "J'ose à peine annoncer ... Reine! Je suis Énée ... Des armes! Des armes!"

Disc 12
1. Act IV, No 29 - Chasse royale et orage
2. Act IV, No 30 - "Dites, Narbal, qui cause vos alarmes
3. Act IV, No 31a - "De quels revers"
4. Act IV, No 31b - "Vaine terreur"
5. Act IV, No 31c - "De quels revers (air et cavatine)"
6. Act IV, No 32 - Marche pour l'entrée de la reine
7. Act IV, No 33a - Pas des almées (ballet)
8. Act IV, No 33b - Danse des esclaves (ballet)
9. Act IV, No 33c - Pas d'esclaves Nubiennes
10. Act IV, No 34a - "Assez ma soeur"
11. Act IV, No 34b - "O blonde Cérès"
12. Act IV, No 35a - "Pardonne, Iopas"
13. Act IV, No 35b - "Ô pudeur! Tout conspire"
14. Act IV, No 36a - "Mais bannissons ces triste souvenirs"
15. Act IV, No 36b - "Tout n'est que paix et charme"
16. Act IV, No 37 - "Nuit d'ivresse et d'extase infinie!"

Disc 13
1. Act V, No 38 - "Vallon sonore"
2. Act V, No 39 - "Préparez tout, il faut partir enfin ... Chaque jour voit grandir la colère des dieux"
3. Act V, No 40 - "Par Bacchus! Ils sont fous avec leur Italie!"
4. Act V, No 41a - "Inutiles regrets!"
5. Act V, No 41b - "Ah quand viendra l’instant des suprêmes adieux"
6. Act V, No 42 - "Énée!"
7. Act V, No 43 - "Debout, Troyens, éveillez-vous, alerte! ... Alerte! ... entendez-vous, amis, la voix d’Énée?"
8. Act V, No 44a - "Errante sur tes pas"
9. Act V, No 44b - "Italie!"
10. Act V, No 45 - "Va, ma soeur, l’implorer"
11. Act V, No 46 - "En mer, voyez! six vaisseaux!"
12. Act V, No 47 - "Ah! Ah! Je vais mourir"
13. Act V, No 48 - "Adieu, fi ère cité"
14. Act V, No 49 - "‘Dieux de l’oubli, dieux de Ténare ... S’il faut enfin qu’Énée aborde en Italie"
15. Act V, No 50 - "Pluton ... semble m’être propice"
16. Act V, No 51 - "Ah! au secours! au secours! la reine s’est frappée!"
17. Act V, No 52 - "Rome ... Rome ... immortelle! ... Haine éternelle à la race d’Énée"

Release date 7 April 2014
LSO0766 | 822231176626

13-disc set: 8 SACD, 4 CD & 1 DVD in rigid box with lift-off lid, plus commemorative book incorporating photo postcards

Notes in English, French and German
DVD subtitles in French, German, Italian, Spanish & Japanese

Limited edition release

FLAC - 24bit 96kHz - Compatible with Windows and Android devices
MP3 - 320kbps - Universal compatibility
SACD - Compatible with all CD players

Available on streaming services


’[What makes this] an outstanding anthology [is] the quality and care with which it has been designed and presented, the moving essays, fond memories of the LSO musicians, unpublished letters, and a DVD documentary, all of which speak volumes for the love and respect that underpinned Davis’s latter-day relationship with the LSO.’

- BBC Music Magazine

’The highlights for Davis fans will probably be a first release for a 2009 recording of the Te Deum of his beloved Berlioz and a superbly remastered (including a stereo 2.0 SACD layer) reissue of the recording that, for LSO Live, started it all: the New World Symphony from 1999. This seems somehow fitting. When this new label took its first, tentative steps 14 years ago, could its founders have dreamed they were, arguably, founding a new world not just for the London Symphony Orchestra, but also for the entire classical recording industry?’

- Gramophone

’Sir Colin Davis had a passion for music, and the ability to ‘do it’ at the highest level, with charm, fervour, and sometimes a temper; let’s think of this Anthology as a Celebration.’

- Classical Source