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The Little Book of the Orchestra: The Clarinet (Hardback) – LSO Live

A Little Book of the Orchestra: The Clarinet

  • Publication date: 9 March 2023
    Author: Mary Auld
    Illustrator: Elisa Paganelli
    Publisher: Hachette Children's Group
    ISBN: 9781526314680
    Number of pages: 32
    Weight: 306g
    Dimensions: 205x 9 x 251 mm

£11.04 £12.99

Mary Auld 
Elisa Paganelli

A beautifully illustrated story bringing to life all that is wonderful about the clarinet. Created in partnership with, and featuring music downloads by, The London Symphony Orchestra (LSO).

Meet clarinet player, Ed, as he shares his music and passion for the clarinet with a class of enthusiastic school children. Discover how the instrument is made, how it is played and its role within the orchestra. Join the students at Ed's energetic orchestra concert performance of the Firebird. With panels that offer suggestions for music to listen to and exclusive music to download from the LSO. This is a multi-sensory experience in which to enjoy and learn about the clarinet. From the creative team behind the award-winning How to Build an Orchestra, this book is recommended for children in Key Stage 1.

Mary Auld is a writer of children's information books, working over a broad range of subjects. She has been actively involved in music from an early age, both singing and playing the flute, on an amateur basis. She loves making music in a group, be that in an orchestra or a choir. Whether making music or writing children's books, her aim is to share her enthusiasm and inspire readers. Mary Auld is a pen name for Rachel Cooke, who is an honorary fellow of the English Association in recognition of her editorial work in children's non-fiction.

Elisa Paganelli was born in Modena (Italy), and since childhood has been unable to resist the smell of paper and pencils. She attended the Institute of Art and subsequently graduated from the European Institute of Design (IED) in Turin with a degree in illustration. As a post-graduate, Elisa worked as a graphic designer for a communication agency. However, she realised that this wasn't the life for her, so she decided to set up her own art and design studio. (She also ran a successful design shop for 6 years, but this is another story.) Elisa devotes most of her time to her passion for images and words. She thinks of herself as a kind of hermit, immersed in her quiet world of nature and books, accompanied by a cup of tea and her beloved pet-assistants. She now collaborates with publishers and advertising agencies all over the world, and also writes for a newspaper's lifestyle column.

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