Mahler: Symphony No. 9 album cover

Mahler: Symphony No. 9

Regular price £7.99

Mahler wrote his Ninth Symphony during a time of great personal suffering and heartache. This is reflected in the music, at times manic and fierce, at others delicate and serene, as it explores many emotions and ultimately concludes with the heart-stopping coda of the Adagio, seemingly conveying the composer’s acceptance of his own mortality.

View a video clip from Symphony No 9 Adagio. Sehr langsam und noch zuruckhaltend here

Gustav Mahler
Conductor Valery Gergiev
Performers London Symphony Orchestra

1. I. Andante comodo
2. II. Im Tempio eines gemaechlichen Laendlers. Etwas taeppisch und sehr derb
3. III. Rondo - Burleske: Allergro assai. Sehr trotzig
4. IV. Adagio. Sehr langsam und noch zurueckhaltend

Release date 5 September 2011
LSO0668 | 822231166825

Producer James Mallinson
Engineers Classic Sound Ltd
Recorded 2 & 3 March 2011, Barbican, London

DSD (Direct Stream Digital) recording

Booklet in English, French & German

FLAC - 24bit 96kHz - Compatible with Windows and Android devices
MP3 - 320kbps - Universal compatibility
- Compatible with all CD players

Available on streaming services


‘The LSO’s playing is inspirational, both individually and corporately seemingly at one with its great conductor, virtually beyond criticism ... Nothing can detract from the excellence of this disc: it is quite outstanding in every respect, a very fine conclusion to a most worthwhile integral series of performances and recordings.’

- International Record Review’s Outstanding Recording

‘We could listen to this recording over and over again with great satisfaction ... one of the most pertinent versions on disc.’

- ResMusica’s La Clef

‘[Gergiev’s] Mahler [is] intense, thrilling, enlightening and refreshing... rarely do you hear music-making and orchestral playing of such a high order.’

- American Record Guide